K.I. – Practice Active Design While Working From Home
The principles of active design no longer apply solely at the office. With a little ingenuity, we can put them to work at home, too.
The principles of active design no longer apply solely at the office. With a little ingenuity, we can put them to work at home, too.
Everyone is grappling with the new way of life imposed by stay-at-home orders and social distancing. Here are some tips from Haworth on working from home.
Please read the following regarding the Systemcenter’s capabilities and status during the COVID-19 pandemic.
See how you can connect nature with the built environment.
How to stay positive and productive while working remotely.
Embrace flexibility to support your business and your people…
Systemcenter visits Haworth headquarters in frosty upper Midwest.
Why design trends matter and how materials help you bring them to life.
“The right lighting strategies, along with thoughtful design, can positively impact the intersection of people’s needs—physical, cognitive, emotional—directly affecting their ability to do work, and indirectly affecting business goals.”
Can rugs also bring economic development, empowerment, and stability to a region of the world? In the case of Bandas Space, a collection of handmade rugs by Patricia Urquiola, the answer is yes.