Haworth – Adapting to New Coworkers at Home

You with your laptop, your partner with theirs, and the kids using tablets to access classes—or maybe you’re a single parent juggling the dual challenge of working and schooling on your own: This is what our days look like now. Everyone is grappling with the new way of life imposed by stay-at-home orders and social distancing.

As difficult as it is being confined at home because of COVID-19, there are some silver linings. You get to spend time together as a family. You get to model good work and communication skills for your kids; they’ll see your self-discipline and focus. Your kids get to share their interests with you. You get to see what’s expected of them at school too.

There will also be interruptions. There will be frustrations. The dog will bark while you’re on a call. Patience will run short. Don’t sweat it if you lose your cool. When needed, sincerely apologize. Make amends. Move on. If you’re not sure how to apologize to your kids, check out these tips from Fatherly.

Loosen up and cut each other slack: Understanding and empathy will get all of us much further in the coming days.

For the full article on working from home Click Here