HAWORTH – 3-Sided Desktop Laminate Screen
A more professional way to gain privacy.
K.I. WiggleRoom Pod
K.I. says go ahead, take that phone call, or have a one-on-one video conference. Because sometimes you
just need a little space.
K.I. – All Terrain Privacy Screens
K.I.’s All Terrain screens can be easily configured to serve as temporary workspace dividers.
K.I. – Tattoo Privacy Screens
Tattoo Privacy Screens from K.I. are the perfect way to enclose your personal workspace.
HAWORTH – Return to Work(place) Product Solutions
These products provide you with solutions that balance the needs of people and space to create a safe and comfortable environment for your employees, while addressing facility requirements and preserving your organizational culture.
HAWORTH – 3 Sided Separation Screens
Haworth now offers the Lightweight Desktop Separation Screen for a safe and sanitary workspace.