Local Bank Corporate Offices – Haworth Enclose Walls
Systemcenter Project # 8191
The Systemcenter was selected to provide Haworth’s Enclose demountable wall system for a local bank’s corporate office renovations. Haworth’s demountable wall systems provide future proofing by being re-configurable should the local bank choose to re-configure or re-purpose the space. Drywall, of course, cannot be re-used in such a way and would have to be torn out and new walls put in if the space were to be changed. Haworth Enclose walls have costs that are comparable to traditional walls and the added assurance that the walls can be re-configured for future use, thereby saving on potential additional construction costs makes Haworth the more financially and functionally effective choice.
Enjoy the pictures of this installation as well as the time-lapse video demonstrating the ease with which the system can be installed.