Entries by systemcenterdev

4941 – TRANE Hawaii

Check out the Systemcenter’s installation of Haworth office furniture for Trane’s new corporate headquarters in the Honolulu area.

HAWORTH – UniGroup Too

With squared top trim and tight tolerances, it’s sleek and rectilinear, sophisticated and classic; UniGroup Too’s scale-able panel and component options can meet your interior needs with ease.

NEWS – Happy 10th Birthday, Zody!

Ten years ago, a pioneer. Today, a champion for wellness at work. Known around the world, Zody debuted as a trendsetter with a design informed by extensive ergonomic research.

NEWS – Martini Madness III

Martini Madness III was the best yet… Featured product from Haworth and KI, pupus catered by Kahai Street Kitchen. A great night for everyone who attended.

KI – Affina Patient Chair

Whether as a stationary chair or with therapeutic motion, the Affina patient chair is built to provide the patient with all the support and comfort needed to ease the mind and body.

KI – Affina Hip Chair

Bridging visual continuity from the lobby and waiting room into the patient room, the Affina hip chair supports a healing environment.

KI – Affina Sleeper

Affina sleepers offer convenient under-seat storage for personal items or bedding for overnight guests. Sit comfortably, sleep soundly, and convert between the two with ease.

KI – Affina Occasional Tables

Affina occasional tables effuse elegance through simplicity in design. Versatile in form, Affina tables are a perfect complement within any environment.

KI – Affina Recliner

Created by renowned designers Paul James and Dan Cramer, Affina is an elegant and sophisticated comprehensive healthcare collection that allows for visual continuity from the lobby to the patient room.