Entries by systemcenterdev

HAWORTH – Beside Storage

Beside Storage features a light-scale, residential aesthetic that responds to the blending of the work office and home office. Beside can be used alone in a storage-based application, or together with Reside Desking to provide a wide range of application and planning.

HAWORTH – Masters Series Desking

Having choices is a wonderful thing; and Masters Series offers one of the largest selections of veneers and finishes in the industry, plus a wide variety of standard shapes and sizes. Beautiful, scalable, flexible – Masters Series reflects the individual and helps you design your own great space.

HAWORTH – Reside Desking

Reside Desking blends the best of European design with advanced workplace knowledge to span a wide range of applications and support the most dynamic work environments.

4941 – TRANE Hawaii

Check out the Systemcenter’s installation of Haworth office furniture for Trane’s new corporate headquarters in the Honolulu area.

HAWORTH – UniGroup Too

With squared top trim and tight tolerances, it’s sleek and rectilinear, sophisticated and classic; UniGroup Too’s scale-able panel and component options can meet your interior needs with ease.

NEWS – Happy 10th Birthday, Zody!

Ten years ago, a pioneer. Today, a champion for wellness at work. Known around the world, Zody debuted as a trendsetter with a design informed by extensive ergonomic research.

NEWS – Martini Madness III

Martini Madness III was the best yet… Featured product from Haworth and KI, pupus catered by Kahai Street Kitchen. A great night for everyone who attended.

KI – Affina Patient Chair

Whether as a stationary chair or with therapeutic motion, the Affina patient chair is built to provide the patient with all the support and comfort needed to ease the mind and body.

KI – Affina Hip Chair

Bridging visual continuity from the lobby and waiting room into the patient room, the Affina hip chair supports a healing environment.