Take a 30 second quiz to discover your company’s culture type and learn more about how you can align workspaces with your culture to motivate people, encourage collaboration, and spark innovation.

NEWS – SYSTEMCENTER 40th Anniversary Party Recap

The Systemcenter celebrated 40 years at Harbor Restaurant at Pier 38 on June 1. Click to see the pics from the event and for a recap of the night.

NEWS – Anastasia Joseph – LEED Green Associate

Congratulations to Systemcenter Designer – Anastasia Joseph – on LEED Green accreditation.


Special limited time offer on the Haworth Fern and Poppy chairs for the A+D community here in Hawaii. Click for details.

NEWS – SYSTEMCENTER Wins Best Family Run Business Award

The Systemcenter was awarded the “Best Family Run Business” Award at the 2016 Business Achievement Awards Gala put on by Pacific Edge Magazine.

NEWS – Haworth FERN Samples Arrive in Hawaii

The SYSTEMCENTER has received samples of Haworth’s revolutionary new FERN chair. Read more to see how you can try one.

NEWS – Stephan Edwards Featured Interview

Check out Stephan Edwards’ (President, RME) featured interview on Hawaii National Bank’s Entrepreneur site.

NEWS – We’re Hiring Furniture Installers

The SYSTEMCENTER is hiring furniture installation team members.

NEWS – SYSTEMCENTER Celebrates 40th Anniversary

The Systemcenter is celebrating its 40th anniversary as one of Hawaii and the Pacific Rim’s leading contract furniture dealerships. The family owned and operated business was founded in 1976 by Bill and Joyce Edwards and is headquartered in Honolulu, HI.

NEWS – Virgin America Lands Inaugural Flight in Hawaii

Virgin America lands inaugural flight in Hawaii with Sir Richard Branson. The Systemcenter was chosen as the vendor to provide furniture for Virgin’s offices here in the islands.